Wednesday, January 09, 2008

UGH--I Must Avoid Emotional Spending

I Hate the ugh feeling I get from dating. You know, that insecure, self conscious feeling a person’s develops after being hurt and that feeling is carried around in the next relationship.  It’ll go away.  It always does.  But for right now I’m stuck in the middle of it and I hate it.  I want to be happy and joyful.  I’ll be sure to do something to treat myself for lunch.  I want to go walking around the mall but that will be emotional shopping and that is a big no. no.  Plus, I can’t go shopping this month, right.  But I do need a few groceries.  So I’ll just run errands and get some fresh air. 

You want to know why I got this ugh feeling?  Well I guess I’ll tell ya.  If you don’t want to know, then stop reading now…..  Arkansas my on-again-off-again-on-again boyfriend has graduated, he is about to start a new job and he is on his way up.  We still live an hour and a half away from each other and I’m a little concerned that he’ll end up dumping me for a skinny girl with long hair.  Silly and insecure, huh? But the chances of this happening is pretty high.  Atleast the break up part is but so what?  I’ve been making it on my own and I’m still gonna be making it if we break up.  So what, big deal?  But for right now, the break up isn’t something that I want but I feel like it’s unavoidable.  To tie this back to the financial… I must not go emotional shopping… no no no.  

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