Friday, May 30, 2008

Wii as a Personal Trainer

This blog was supposed to focus on health, spiritually, and finance--you know, a documentation of my effort to keep all of my balls in the air.  It’s almost overwhelming, but such is life.  One of my goals for the year is to lose weight.  I haven’t lost any.  I told myself that if I hadn’t lost any weight by July then I’d get a personal trainer.  Well, I’m going to delay that for a few months, probably until October, and try using Wii as a personal trainer- since I bought the frivolous item with my stimulus check.  I wanted Wii Fit but it’s hard to get a copy of the game but Wii Sports also has a fitness portion and I’ve fallen in love with boxing!  I’ve always wanted to do boxing and I think it can keep me occupied for the next couple of months without getting bored.


Current Fitness Age according to Wii Sports: 70

I’m also rated at around 240 in boxing.  If I can make it to 1,000 I’ll be considered a pro.  Let’s see if I can do it by August.

Current Weight: 157

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tsk, Tsk, Smile

Tsk, tsk…

I decided to do my first home improvement project this month, as apposed to home maintenance project, and build a brick patio in my back yard.  Sigh…

This is also the month that I go to Wiscon, a feminist science fiction convention.  Here is a break down of my balances so far:

Checking Acct 1. $496

Checking Acct 2= $161

Vacation Savings = $750


Credit cards


CC2= $331

Hotel= $457


Difference=$-392 and I still got a lot of the month left!

The patio totally threw me off.  I budgeted $600 and I’ve spent $1,100 and it’s still not finished.  Now I know what it feels like to be on Flip That House and to see your budget skyrocket!  Sigh…

This is why I (and you should too) have an emergency fund and live below my means.  I’m not going to use my efund.  I am just going to halt my savings for June so that I won’t have to carry the balance forward.  I save around $500 to $800 per month in various savings accounts (cars, vacation, etc.) , which is more than enough to cover my overspending for the month but I need patio furniture for my patio!  I know how shallow but it’s a dream of mine to have a nice patio and now that I’ve started, I gotta finish.  I know, I know, shame on me but I don’t feel too guilty because I’ll still be able to meet my savings goal by the end of the year ($3,600). 

Confession: in July I’m halting my savings to go to South Padre Island.  Gasp!  But I’ll still meet my savings goal as long as I don’t do anything like this again.  ::SMILE::