Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Another Ode To My To Do List

Praise to the automated To do list.   I’ve blogged on this before and if I wasn’t being cyber watched, I’d post the link, but I love my automated to-do list.  Today would have been unproductive if it wasn’t for that list.  The list is already created, I just tweak it from week to week, change the dates, print, and tape it to my work issued 300 page account book/journal.  Then all I have to do is go down the list.  There is no emotion involved in a paper to do list.  There is no snooze for five minutes.  It’s there in black and white, staring at me.  Without my to do list on a day like this, although I know there are things to do, I would not have gotten much done.  My mind would jump from subject to subject while I stared at my computer screen.  So once again I am writing an ode to my to do list and today, despite feeling like crap, I am getting things done.

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