Monday, January 14, 2008

Emergency! Emergency!

I am still licking my wounds from an emotionally draining weekend but I can’t let relationship crap take my eye off my finances.  So with that said, I had to change my brakes and get two new front tires over the weekend for a grand total of $398.  Then I got termite insurance for $279 and I still haven’t paid for my security system ($255).  The cell phone company who jacked me, has finally offered a settlement for $200.  So, should I use my emergency fund to cover these expenses or my 0 percent credit cards?  This is enough to make a sister charge up some credit cards but not only must I get out of debt, I must not accrue any more debt.  So, I have around $150 in my car maintenance fund, $400 in my home maintenance fund, I guess I can subtract the rest from my emergency fund, and reduce my debt payments for next month.  If getting out of debt was easy, everyone would be doing it right?  I gotta keep it up.  gotta keep it up.

Here is my plan:

398 + 80 (from last month)-$150 (car fund) leaves $328, which I can split into three months because Hib.don’s has 90 days no interest. So I’ll pay $110/month for three months on that card.

The termite insurance is a legitimate household expense, so I’ll pay for that with the Home maintenance fund which would leave me 400-279=$121 for the security system and the rest (255-121=$134) will come from the efund.

The $200 for the cell phone company will come from debt reduction plan, which will have me already behind $300.  Man, I’m getting behind pretty quickly on my debt reduction plan.  But a sista’s gotta do what a sista’s gotta do.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to make that $300 up later.  Whoooo!  Crisis diverted, saved by my emergency funds.  So, I got a question for anyone who reads this, should I spend the next couple of months replenishing my efunds or continue with my debt payoff plan?

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