Friday, November 14, 2008

Four Year Old and Money

I’m really bad at leaving money lying around.  I’ve been meaning to deposit $100 (five $20 bills) for a while.  I had it on my kitchen cabinet one morning and the  next morning it was gone.  I asked my kids if they’d seen it, and they both said no.  I asked them repeatedly over the next few days and I still got the same answer.   So I was getting my son dressed this morning (I put him on the same jeans he wore Monday), and I searched his pockets because there was a toy sticking out-he’s not supposed to take toys to school- I searched his other pocket to make sure there weren’t any more toys in there and ka-ching this boy had $100 in his pocket (and two more toys).  Lesson learned.  My daughter has never touched my money, so I’ve always felt safe laying money around.  Not any more.  Anthony is a pack rat and if something will fit in his pocket it will go in his pocket.  Now I’m gonna have to give him the “don’t take things that don’t belong to you speech” every day for the next two weeks. 


It was really cute when he smiled and said “I was keeping it safe for you.”  I couldn’t even get mad because he was sooo cute when he said it.

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