Downtown has a high crime rate
Apartment complex is completely enclosed
Making it hard to receive visitors. I hardly get visitors. Hardly. Ever. Almost never!
Longer commute to family.
Monthly expenses will increase due to increased rent/mortgage
Kids couldn’t really go outside by themselves??
Much shorter commute
Apartment complex is completely enclosed
Close to parks, work, school, LIBRARY, restaurants!!!
Living a dream!
Fitness room
Great for biking
I don’t have to mow the yard
I don’t have to deal with those kids playing in the creek
I don’t have to clean up after family get togethers, because an apartment is too small for get togethers!
In addition to monthly obligations there are the upfront costs
Deposit: 350
Application fee: $30
Electricity deposit or maybe just a transfer fee
After much thought and consideration, I think I’m gonna stay where I am. The economy is shaky and I really need to build my efund before I start living the downtown chic life.
What I should do in the meantime is forget about renting the house below market level. If my sister wants to rent then it’ll have to be at market level, unless I’ve built my efund. But until then I’m gonna work on keeping everything up to date so that if I decided to rent to strangers, everything will already look nice.