Middle of the month budget update. Okay. The past three months I’ve been over budget. So I’m hoping doing a middle of the month update will help me stay on track. Here it is.
Credit Card Balances: -902.01
Checking Accounts : +1,719.65
Expected Money: +$226
Expected Savings: -$380
Expected Bill: -$440
Net: $223
So I have roughly $223 to spend over the next two weeks/3 weekends. Oh did I mention my birthday is this month. No biggie. So that I’ll have a little extra room, this weekend will be a no money spending weekend. No Starbucks. No McDonalds. No grocery shopping. Nada.
I do have a more detailed budget through Yodlee which tracks my spending in every category that I’ll post later, but this month my figures are going to be off because I’ve used my checking account that does not automatically update through Yodlee, and I’ve loaned out some money (not through my emergency fund!). Let’s see if I get that money back so that I’ll be able to do something (that means go shopping) when my birthday comes.