Wednesday, October 24, 2007

2008 Financial Goals

2008 Financial Goals

1.  credit card debt free by July 2008

2.  $2,500 Cash Emergency Fund by March 2008

3.  Start 529 plan for my kids

4.  $2,500 into Roth IRA by December 2008

5.  Debt to Income Ratio of 3.1 by  December 2008

6. Increase net worth by 16,000



Can’t have goals without a plan on how to achieve them, right?  So here is the plan.


1.  credit card debt

I currently have ~6,000 in cc debt.  Believe it or not, 8 months ago I had no cc debt but then I stopped paying attention to my budget and now look!

I’m paying $1,000 towards the debt this month and $3,000 next month (I’m expecting a lump some of money (fingers crossed)).  So I’ll be entering 2008 with $2,000 in cc debt. 

In order to achieve this goal I must pay $330/month. (Doable). 

-Contigency..what if I don’t get the $3,000 lump sum, making total cc debt for 2008 $5,000.  --- Then I’ll have to increase payments to $420 and extend payoff deadline to Dec. 1. (Hard but doable)


2.  Cash Emergency Fund

$2,500 is weak emergency fund for a single mother of two, but I am compromising a bit until I get cc’s paid off and more debt paid down.


3.  College Savings

I have yet to start my kids’ college savings plan.  I suck. I’ve been talking about starting it for nine years.  Tsk, tsk.   Once I pass my P.E. the amount will increase but something is better than nothing.


4. $2,500 into Roth IRA for 2008 ($209/month)

This account will back up as my Emergency fund.  It’s not the maximum contribution but it’s a good start.


5. Debt to Income Ratio of 1.7 (my goal would be from 3.5 to 3.1) by the end of 2008

I recently read an article which said the debt to income ratio for a thirty year old should only be 1.7 times her income.  My debt to income ratio is 3.5.  Thus, I owe 3 and half times my yearly salary.  That is scary.  I worked on a few numbers and if things go as planned I should decrease that number to 3.1 by the end of December.  It’s still pretty high but it’ll be better than it was.


6. Increase net worth by $16,000 by the end of December

My current networth is -32,000 (includes home equity of $25,000), largely due to a student loan debt of $56,000.  In order to achieve this goal I will pay off $3,000 of my HELOC since it has a higher interest than my mortgage and student loans.


CC payoff




Mortgage will decrease by


Student Loan will decrease by




401 (k)


Savings increases by


Total Networth Increase




I plugged these numbers into my budget and it looks doable.  In fact, it looks easy.  If I stick to this plan I can actually have a positive networth in two years (Happy dance!!!)

I always get happy and lose sight of the long term goals when ever I gain short term success. But this time there will be no back sliding, no money lending to family members, and no crazy Christmas and Birthday gifts/parties. I will be well on my way to having a positive neworth by the end of next year!      

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